Biodiversity 2.0

Is Full Coexistence Possible?

Fall 2011/2012 @ TU Delft
MSc 1/2 / AR2TWF010
05 September 2011 / 26 January 2012

This is the second part of our investigations on how animals and humans can learn to live next to each other in extraordinary new ways. As we all know the history of the city is a history of human conquest and domestication on natural ecosystems. It has been an anthropocentric driven development with a relentless threat to nature.

As the city expands now to new dimensions such as megacities, mega regions, etc… in all corners of the world, the question of coexistence with animals and plants suddenly becomes urgent and exciting simultaneously.

The studio will challenge our current mode of city making based on pure artificiality. We will look for new modes of city design that incorporates the life of animals and their natural habitat into our daily existence and research in which ways humans can contribute to increase biodiversity.

The new city visions will aim to highlight the value of biodiversity to levels never seen before. These values include environmental, spatial and economical benefits for all parties.


Winy Maas, Felix Madrazo, Bas Kalmeijer


Jeroen de Graaf, Joost de Bont, Paul van den Hof, Athina Papadopoulou, Magdalena Melon, Taja Bencina, Giovanni Bellotti, Victor Nyman, Erik Revellé

Guest Critics

Anke van Hal, Fabian van Aerschot & Bo Hoogenberk, Geert Timmermans, Arie Mooiman, Esther van de Wield


Wim Schermer, Faculty of Industrial Design TU Delft


