
Is a Self-organised City Possible?

The capacity of self-organization systems is just starting to be taken serious for the domain of urbanism. Anarcity undertakes the task of calibrating how these systems could emerge through a method that combines psychological needs, technological capacities and spatial configurations in the context of numbers, space and time.

The method follows a rigorous sequence of time, demographics and spatial constraints allowing the system to be tested in four dimensions. In short the method is the merging of three design tools into one story: the script, the references and the assumptions, which are recorded at the end of this report.

The script is the projection of certain hypothesis, which are then cross-referenced with case study cases that reflect a similar contextual factors. Once the hypothesis emerged as a concept the model is tested in an overall study of the subject at a city scale taking timelines and possible factual scenarios into account. The sequence of this method goes back and forth in this triangle enriching each of its parts. Therefore Anarcity is both a fiction project through research and a research study that follows the subjective form of its fabrication.

Anarcity studio led by Winy Maas(MVRDV) and The Why Factory(TU Delft).In this studio we are investigating the possible ways of urban development without authority and government control. We have defined the crucial parameters, according the Maslow’s pyramid of human needs, to make a frame work for the first part of our story.


