The Why Factory

The Why Factory (T?F) is a global think-tank and research institute led by professor Winy Maas, founding partner of MVRDV. It explores possibilities for the development of our cities by focusing on the production of models and visualisations for cities of the future.

Why be visionary?

What is a vision? Winy Maas gives his view on the need for and potential of visionary thinking in architecture and urbanism.
This text has first been published in the Why Factory's first publication Visionary Cities in 2009.

The Triangle

The Why Factory runs research projects, which are positioned in a classical research tripod of models, views and software; of model cities, applications and storage. The research on the Future City is undertaken through the interactive composition of three fields. It speculates on possible theoretical models in the model city program. It makes counter proposals for existing cities. It stores its knowledge through an evolutionary gaming program.

T?F staff

The Why Factory is a group of senior and junior researchers led by Prof. Winy Maas at the TU Delft Faculty of Architecture.


All material on this site is Copyright by The Why Factory and may only be used with prior permission by The Why Factory. This website was designed and implemented by The Why Factory: Ulf Hackauf, Mark den Ouden, Ania Molenda and Sander Mulders, based on a wordpress format.