Exhibition: “Coder le monde”

11 June 2018

The Centre Pompdou in Paris organises the exhibition “Coder le monde”, featuring among other works, the research “Porocity”, undertaken by The Why Factory

On Porocity:

Welcome to a porous society!

Welcome to cities that want to be open and porous! Our current cities consist of towers and blocks that are enclosed, distant, introverted and not mixed with urban life, social possibilities or ecological potentials. They are not open. How to open them? How can we introduce pockets for encounters, for streams of circulation and communication, for zones for greenery and animals, for tunnels of cooling and refreshment, for channels and pockets of water and sanitation…

What logics can be imagined in our towers to allow for this openness?
By using stepped floors making stairs all through the towers…
By creating grottos that group and collect people…
By splitting towers that multiply the surface of the façade…
By twisting blocks that thus create pocket parks…
And so on…

Every hypothesis leads to a series of interventions. Step by step. How far can we go before the tower collapses, before it is unaffordable? Together, these series form an army of towers that contributes to a more porous, a more open city. Why wait?

Winy Maas

