Freedom in Austeria

Can living with strict consumption be interesting and playful?

Spring 2011/2012 @ TU Delft
MSc 1/2
23 April 2012 / 30 April 2012

This workshop explores a specific part of Daliana Suryawinata’s ongoing PhD-by-design research ‘Austeria: A World Without Waste.’ The underlying hypothesis is that: it is possible to consume less, while maintaining a high standard of living. The workshop wanted to test how far could freedom and playfulness be present in such a city with strict consumption rules.

We based the proposals on 6 consumption sectors: energy, water, land, money, waste and time, and created a rule of 1XXS + 2 XS + 3 S where the most strict consumption must be made on 1 sector, little consumption to be made on 2 sectors, and for the 3 sectors the consumption can be made on a relatively low level but not too strict.

There were five proposals as a result of this workshop: The Animal City, Shared City, Zero Waste City, Snail City and Leisure City.


Daliana Suryawinata, Yeekee Ku


Charlotte Churchill, Robin Gringhuis, Thomas Keeley-Reid, Rodelle Lee, Andrea Lusquinos Mansilla, Hiu Ning Tai, Mark van den Ouden, Simon Tiemersma, Jonathan de Veen, Qing Wang, Jurre Haan, Ignus Kalinauskas, Jasper Poortvliet, Felipe Aldana, Alise Jekabsone, Jonathan Telkamp, Lara Tomholt, Marie-Lahya Simon

Guest Critics

Winy Maas, Tihamer Salij, Mauro Parravicini
